What qualities do Europeans and Muslims associate with each other?

In 2011, a survey was conducted on what qualities Western people and Muslims associate with each other. Inhabitants of seven countries and territories with a predominantly Muslim population for the most part (median share 68%) consider Europeans to be selfish. Large proportions of Muslims also attribute other negative qualities to Europeans, such as violent tendencies (median 66%), greed (64%) and immorality (61%). A minority noted positive characteristics: respect for women (44%), honesty (33%) and tolerance (31%).

The Western perception of Muslims is not so uniform. Half (median 50%) of respondents in four Western European countries, the United States and Russia consider Muslims prone to violence and 58% fanatical, but a smaller number attributed them to greed, immorality and selfishness. Only about 22% of Europeans consider Muslims to be respectful of women, but a significantly higher number characterize them as honest (51%) and generous (41%).